
A retreat for experienced leaders on how to live and lead from purpose

Living, working, and leading from purpose has a powerful impact on the leader and those around them, as research has shown. For the leader, purpose brings direction, opportunity, energy, resilience, and meaning. For those around them, a purposeful leader inspires, motivates, and engages in a way that stimulates learning and generates outstanding performance. For organisations, purpose driven leaders deliver sustainable results and enable transformation.

Why Waypoint

These retreats enable experienced leaders and professionals from all walks of life and backgrounds to discover their own purpose, and then to use it to fuel their leadership.  The retreats are a unique opportunity to learn, with deeply experienced facilitators, how to embody purpose in both life and work, and create a clear vision of how to make the difference they want to in the world.


Waypoint is a three-day residential retreat, with coaching before and after, designed to create lasting impact. It offers a range of powerful experiences, designed to enable participants to look in fresh and new ways at themselves and how they operate. Rooted in evidence-based practices as well as a deep experience of business and organisations, Waypoint offers a deep and personal opportunity for leaders to explore three critical abilities:

Purpose – what motivates us, what is most meaningful to us, our unique way of bringing value to we do and who we meet. It shapes the legacy we want to make in the world.

Personal Mastery – deeply understanding the different parts of ourselves, our strengths and talents, as well as our shadows or blockers. It is the skill to unlock our under-used powers, integrate them and bringing our best selves to life and work.

Presence – our ability to connect deeply to the people and situations around us as well as to our internal world. Bringing a positive presence unlocks curiosity, creativity and learning in ourselves and those we lead.

Designed as a deep dive, the retreat engages the whole leader, harnessing their emotional, cognitive, and intuitive insight to uncover what really matters to them, as well the impact they want to have in the world.  Through reflection, storytelling, immersion in the natural world, small group coaching, peer support, shadow work, movement and deep contemplative practices, leaders will explore the patterns of thought and behaviour which help and hinder their leadership, as well as their motivations and values. Waypoint is an opportunity for lasting change.


This retreat is designed for experienced leaders and professionals, looking to reflect deeply on themselves, their purpose and the impact they want to have in the world. The retreat will enable participants to:

    • Articulate an inspiring purpose and vision for themselves and others
    • Have sharp clarity on what they stand for as a leader and their career goals
    • Inspire followership and engagement
    • Maintain agility, resilience and energy in demanding situations for themselves and those they lead
    • Thrive in complexity, ambiguity , paradox and disruption

Our faculty

Tim Munden

Tim Munden

Director & Facilitator

Tim is the award-winning former Chief Learning Officer and Head of Employee Wellbeing at Unilever, and founder of Kairon. He has been running transformational retreats for over 20 years, and has deep experience in purpose, “inner game” leadership development, wellbeing & resilience. Tim works with senior leaders and their teams to enable them to access the leadership capabilities they need to thrive in the 21st Century and prepares senior leaders for C-Suite roles.

Louise Chester

Louise Chester


Powered by a deep Inner Game from an early age, Louise enjoyed a highly successful career in finance, winning various global awards & becoming a Director at UBS Ltd age 27. She retired from the City in 2002, with the express mission of sharing the evidence-based inner development that had propelled her own career into organizations across the world. She now supports senior leaders and their teams, with work on leadership, resilience and purpose, teaching and practicing contemplative inner game techniques that enable leaders to unlock possibility and create value with their lives and roles.

Waqar Siraj

Waqar Siraj


After a career in business and technology at Cisco in the 1990s and early 2000s, Waqar moved into the field of people development and organisational consulting. He is an experienced global consultant and executive coach with deep expertise in emotional and social intelligence, as well as transformational change. Waqar uses methods such as Shadow Work and vertical development to support individuals experience deep developmental shifts that support leaders to live more fulfilling and impactful lives.

Join our next Waypoint Retreat

Our next Waypoint Retreat is being held at 42 Acres, a regenerative estate, nature reserve and wellbeing retreat centre located in rural Somerset, yet only 2 hours from Central London by train. This beautiful location offers luxury accommodation, a peaceful sanctuary to facilitate personal development and an opportunity to reconnect with nature.


We are offering the Waypoint retreat for the first time at 42 Acres, at an introductory price of £4,950+VAT per person. This includes food and accommodation a pre-retreat induction call and post retreat coaching. The retreat will take place between November 20th and November 23rd, and participants are invited to arrive between 16:00-18:00 on the 20th. Prices for non-for-profit leaders are available on request. 

All participants will have an intake call with one of the faculty prior to the retreat, and a coaching call after the retreat to support the learning. There will be around 4 hours of pre-work which must be completed before arrival. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team: [email protected].

To book your place or find out more, please complete the form below


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